The basics: camp dates, registration and costs

Hardingfele 1 recital
nyckelharpa class

When will camp start and end in 2025?

Camp starts at 4 p.m. on Saturday, June 28, and ends at 10 a.m. after breakfast on Saturday, July 5. We must be completely out of camp by 10 a.m.

Is there a part-time option?

Yes, campers may attend part of camp. We understand that campers may not be able to attend the full week of camp for any number of reasons. We have priced our part-time rates to accommodate these campers fairly. However, preference will be given to full-time campers when we assign housing. Please consult with us to see what housing is available to you on your preferred part-time camp days.

What does it cost to attend?

Our registration rates vary depending on a camper's age, registration date, housing preference, participation level, and number of days at camp. Our rates are subject to change from one year to the next. Our 2025 rates are available here.

Why is it so expensive?

Your registration rate covers your food, lodging and facilities for the week. It also gives you an immersive week of Scandinavian folk dance and music with world-class instructors, and pays a portion of their transportation, food, lodging, honoraria, and work visa costs.

Do you offer any discounts?

Yes, we offer a discount to campers who register before April 15. Full payment must be postmarked by April 15 for the early-bird, discounted rate. Registrations postmarked after April 15 will be charged the full rate.

Are there other opportunities to reduce my registration rate?

Yes, you can reduce your registration rate by having more roommates/cabinmates, staying in less expensive housing, or both. We also offer financial assistance, which will reduce your registration rate.

What is your cancellation policy?

Cancellations before April 15 will have all registration fees, including the deposit, refunded; cancellations between April 15 and June 10 will have 70% refunded.