Camp: everything else you wanted to know

2024 campers
2024 campers
2024 campers

How many people attend your camp?

We typically have between 115 and 140 campers, depending on the year. In the last 10 years, we've drawn campers from 29 states, as well as Ontario, Quebec, and Nova Scotia.

What do you do all day?

Our daytime program is organized into six daily class sessions. You are welcome to set your schedule to your own liking: with dancing, playing music, singing, crafting, swimming, socializing, resting, etc.

Our evening program includes cultural programs and concerts, followed by our nightly dance party or jamming with friends and staff.

What if I don’t feel like doing anything one day?

If you just feel like relaxing in your cabin, the outdoors or driving into a nearby town instead of participating in any of the activities, that’s totally up to you! You know you best!

I want to do more things at camp than I have the time or energy to do. How do I feel OK about that?

Realize that new learning takes a lot of energy and concentration and that we are all innately different people mentally and physically, so since you know you best, do what works right for you. Our community is filled with campers from many walks of life, but there may be one universal amongst us: the need for some downtime.

What can I do before I arrive to have a really successful camp week?

Let us know before camp of any issues that are of concern for you. Please read all the materials we send, including information on travel, the packing list etc. Stay healthy.

What can I do once I'm at camp to have a really successful camp week?

Be respectful of each other and open to new ideas and ways of doing things. Also, please let us know of any issues that are a concern for you so we can address them immediately.

I don’t know anyone at this camp. Does everyone who goes to camp already know each other?

Every year there are new participants to the program who may know someone but often they are completely new to our community. We do our best to make them feel welcome at all points in the program. There are also several participants who have come to camp for decades, but they are very happy to welcome new people as well as renew friendships that have developed at camp on a yearly basis. Even those who have attended for many years make new acquaintances with each other. Since people come from many different states, it can seem like a family reunion at times, but without all of the drama.

I don't have any Scandinavian heritage. Is that okay?

Yes, of course, it’s not something that you can change but is something you can grow into!

Can my family member come with me if they don't want to dance or play music? Is there anything for them to do?

Yes there is a special "non-participating adult" registration fee for those family members. They are free to do what they like which could be biking, swimming, boating, watching and listening to classes, joining Happy Hour, attending presentations, shopping in town etc.

Can children come to camp?

Children are welcome with an adult who is responsible for them throughout the day. Children 3 years of age or younger come for free.

What activities are available for children at camp?

Since there is not a specific program for children, we ask that children be supervised by an adult at all times. Depending on their age, they can participate in a fiddle class, a dance or singing class, a craft, and enjoy swimming at the beach when there are lifeguards.

How many people use the beach or swim on a regular basis?

It’s hard to give a number of participants who go to the beach, but there are lifeguards who make sure everyone is safe. Some participants may never go to the beach while others make it a part of their daily routine. Lake Winnipesaukee is the largest lake in New Hampshire, covering 72 square miles and sitting at the foot of the White Mountains. It is known for its crystal-clear, spring-fed water, making it ideal for swimming and other water activities.

Tell me more about Geneva Point Center.

Geneva Point Center is on Lake Winnipesaukee in central New Hampshire. The camp amenities include swings, lovely paths through the woods, swimming, canoeing, and, of course, dance and rehearsal spaces. Some photos of Geneva Point Center facilities.

Tell me more about the food at camp.

The kitchen can accommodate vegan, vegetarian, gluten-free, and dairy-free diets.

Tell me about the weather in New Hampshire.

Summer in New Hampshire has many faces with cold nights, warm days, the possibility of rain, and glorious sunny days as well. A happy camper comes prepared for all weather opportunities!

Does NFF have bylaws?
